Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Great 2012 Organization Challenge!

I'm always optimistic about the ability for people to change and better themselves! It's so much more fun to believe you can change and become a better version of yourself then wallow in the thought that you are stuck in your flaws and weaknesses. I'm forever wanting to change the things I don't like about myself. I could bore you with what that long list is but I won't you're welcome.

The other day I saw a friend posted as their Facebook status that they are going to read 100 pages a day for 100 days and that got me thinking that it would be fun to also take on something for 100 days. Somehow 100 days seems manageable to me in a way that New Year's Resolutions don't, there is just something totally overwhelming about an entire year for a "can't follow through" girl like me. With all that being said you are just going to have to wait to hear about my 100 day challenge since I picked up this book today :)

"One Year to an Organized Life" by Regina Leeds

And while I don't intend to make this a New Year's resolution (I just don't like the label) I do intend to follow through with this book and see if I can finally achieve what I so desperately crave, a clean organized home and a zen like life.

Looking forward to starting tomorrow!

Update { I went on to the Apartment Therapy site just now (ps. must visit more often, love it!) and saw this post...

it must be on everybody's mind! :) 

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