Monday, January 17, 2011

This Weeks Task:

As you all know from here I'm working my way through my list of 52 tasks to accomplish this year. So far I'm doing pretty well with the what I've taken on here & here
For this week I'm going to do my best to cook and eat what I have in my pantry (including fridge & freezer) rather then going grocery shopping for every meal. 
I know I have plenty there and most of it is haphazardly arranged and in need of a spring cleaning . 
My hope is that if I can work through everything and empty the cupboards out then I can thoroughly clean them and replenish in a more organized fashion (and maybe according to a meal plan type program.)
I started last night which is how I ended up eating chocolate covered almonds and raisins. 
All purely in the name of emptying the cupboard out of course! 
We'll see how strange our meals get before we cry "uncle" {a cry of surrender according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary} 
Have any of you taken on a task like this and survived been successful in avoiding the grocery store at least for a few days?  


  1. Good Luck!!! I wish I could give you some words of advice but I am terrible at cooking so my pantry is pretty much empty! Maybe one of my resolutions should've been to practice cooking!
    Have a great day!

    Accessories Please.blogspot

  2. This is a great idea! Our fridge, freezer and cabinets are overflowing with random items. I would love to use them all up and then buy stuff in a more thoughtful fashion!

  3. Wow! Good luck! I should probably do this! Let us know how you do it!

  4. You can do it girl, unfortunately I have tried and no luck here, I think it did last days though :)


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